Online Games's Article in Games

764 Why Competitive online games Produce Large Followings
The first part of "StarCraft II" was finally released after a decade of waiting and has become the go-to title for competitive online gamers. Blizzard Entertainment has continuously updated the game to make the game as flawless and streamlined as possible. The results have been well-received by the gaming community. Early in its development, clans are already starting to form and more detailed strategies are being discovered. It was well worth the wait.
Posted on Mar-26-2011

604 Real World Perks From Video Games
How can a game not be considered as helpful if it is not only encouraging the development of social skills but also giving the child something that they can use to connect with their peers in the real world?
Posted on Feb-15-2011

615 The Excitement of Web-based Social gaming
Video games have become one of the most popular ways to spend time in modern society. In the US alone, an estimated 65% of households have had at least one game console or another. The number of genres and age brackets that different types of games can appeal to is nothing short of amazing, ranging from simple puzzle games to 80-hour epics rivaling the finest works of literature.
Posted on Feb-15-2011

642 The Very good Side of Online Video gaming
The only problem is the stigma attached to online games being viewed as too vicious and vulgar for the young ones.
Posted on Feb-15-2011

875 Interesting Video game titles for Girls and boys
However, not all games are like this and there are a plethora of genres where you can choose games that are suitable for your children, no matter if they’re toddlers, preschoolers, or even teenagers.
Posted on Feb-15-2011

625 Minor-Acceptable Online Free games
Many games are designed to be playable by as large a market as possible, meaning the whole family can get it on the action.
Posted on Feb-14-2011

996 Free Online Games: What’s with the News?
Nowadays, you can find a wide array of free games online. Whether you go to school web pages or social networking sites, you’ll surely come across at least one.
Posted on Feb-13-2011

623 Real World Benefits From Video Games
Contrary to popular belief, online games can be beneficial for children.
Posted on Feb-12-2011

1209 What exactly Makes Internet based Games Thrilling
Video games are the most popular spare time activity globally. In US alone, 65% of households play videogames. In addition, the players can range from kids who enjoy simple puzzle games to seniors who like Flash-based mind games to pass time. Playing these games can refresh the mind, develop mental skills and teach us a thing or two about real life. These are some of the advantages of playing videogames while having fun. Adults usually play games to relax their minds and escape worldly troubles.
Posted on Feb-12-2011

681 Online Gaming Decorum
Anonymity is one of the key factors why most people have the guts to display such rude behavior. However, this is not enough of an excuse to forego proper manners and good conduct.
Posted on Feb-11-2011

655 Why there’s Nothing to be Terrified of in Online Gaming
Contrary to popular belief, online games can be beneficial for children. Most people, particularly parents, would beg to disagree. However, this is true as long as they don’t spend too much of their time playing video games.
Posted on Feb-11-2011

743 Gaming’s Eldest Joke Gets One More Punchline
The gaming community would have never expected the game "Duke Nukem Forever" to come out. It is a sequel to the FPS classic game "Duke Nukem 3D". It took forever to completely develop DNF.
Posted on Feb-11-2011

684 The Unique Gameplay of Plants vs. Zombies
Plants vs. Zombies is perhaps one of the most unique games to come out of PopCap.
Posted on Feb-10-2011

677 Finding Entertainment in Plants vs. Zombies
You have nowhere to run to. Zombies are closing in on you; and there aren’t any weapons you can use to defend yourself. What to do? Plants vs. Zombies provides you with a single option: to strategically surround your home with a select number of armed plants. The plants and the enemy zombies both come in a wide range of shapes and sizes, and are gradually added into the game as you play.
Posted on Feb-10-2011

731 Duke Nukem Forever: 12 Years in the Making
The game was – and arguably still is – a sequel to the very old game "Duke Nukem 3D," a classic in the FPS genre.
Posted on Feb-09-2011

693 Tabletop Gaming Profile
The history of the game tabletop industry is an interesting thing to keep an eye on. Even if it doesn’t highly rely on electronics, the industry displays much potential.
Posted on Feb-09-2011

650 Why Duke Nukem Takes A long time
"Duke Nukem Forever" is one of those games that many players actually thought would never come through. Debatably a sequel to the almost ancient "Duke Nukem 3D," this game is a noted classic in the FPS genre.
Posted on Feb-09-2011

666 Hows and Whys of Social Networking
One of the most outstanding breakthroughs in the Internet nowadays is Social Networking.
Posted on Feb-09-2011

926 Purpose of the Internet
Since its creation, the Internet has become quite a permanent fixture in the lives of millions of people. Having this technology is like having the world in your hands (or more specifically in your fingertips). Almost all kinds of information imaginable are available on the web. Witch just a click of the mouse, you can easily get whatever resources you wish to access: banking, chatting, finding jobs, booking air and train tickets, making reservations, and many more.
Posted on Feb-08-2011

680 Why Playing games should be Done in Moderation
Despite the persistent stigma that they’re “corrupting the young” and are pointless wastes of time, video games have become one of the most popular ways for people to pass the time.
Posted on Feb-08-2011

510 The Good Changes of Game playing to One’s Health
Despite the persistent stigma that they’re “corrupting the young” and are pointless wastes of time, video games have become one of the most popular ways for people to pass the time. There are countless parents out there blaming video games for everything from poor grades to violent and rebellious behavior – all while conveniently neglecting to realize what part everything else might play.
Posted on Feb-08-2011

549 Information on how Social gaming Improves Players
Despite the persistent stigma that they’re “corrupting the young” and are pointless wastes of time, video games have become one of the most popular ways for people to pass the time. There are countless parents out there blaming video games for everything from poor grades to violent and rebellious behavior – all while conveniently neglecting to realize what part everything else might play.
Posted on Feb-08-2011

517 The Web and its Continual Possibilities
Internet has become a huge part of the lives of millions of people. You can find all the information you need on the Web. With just a click, you can get access to different resources such as: banking, chatting, finding jobs, booking air and train tickets, making reservations and a lot more. In addition, it offers all kinds of entertainment like movies, music and games among others.
Posted on Feb-07-2011

557 The Countless Choices Provided by Downloadable Games
What are the first things that come to mind when the words “downloadable games” are mentioned? Some people may say that those are pirated copies of commercial games, while others may think of those as games that non-gamers play to simply pass time. Some people might even include downloadable content (DLC) to the term. However, DLC products are only add-ons to an existing game and not independent software.
Posted on Feb-04-2011

594 The Good Aspect of Games
Since the influx of video games in the market, there has always been this thinking that video games are only a waste of time and money.
Posted on Feb-04-2011